PRX Writer Nods to UCSF Urology’s Kegel Nation app

Submitted by UCSF Urology on April 21, 2016 at 5:28 pm
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Lauren Whaley, a contributor to Public Radio Exchange (PRX), uses Kegel Nation apphumor and research to detail her personal plight with stress incontinence.  Although tough to talk about with others, she learned the condition is very common.  Her struggle is detailed in a story, “Peeing in my pants: Everybody does it.” Among other solutions, she selected UCSF Urology’s new app, Kegel Nation as an option for pelvic floor strengthening. 

The app, developed by Maurice Garcia, MD, MAS and Peter Carroll, MD, MPH, can help monitor the frequency, progress and quality of a Kegel exercise regimen in both men and women.  Kegel exercises, in which the patient contracts and then relaxes the pelvic floor muscles for as many seconds as possible, have for decades been recommended to help women regain urinary continence. Urologists also recommend these exercises to help men regain optimal bladder continence and sexual function after prostate cancer surgery.

Read more about the app here. 

And, click here to hear Ms. Whaley’s excellent story.