UCSF Urology Sub-internship Information


UCSF welcomes visiting students from the United States for an advance clerkship in Urology.  Under the guidance of Alan W. Shindel, MD, MAS, the rotation offers students the entire palate of urology: oncology, pediatric urology, stone disease, erectile dysfunction, pelvic reconstruction and voiding dysfunction.

Students act as a sub-intern on the service and are actively involved in ward care, operative room procedures, and outpatient clinics. Attending rounds, weekly seminars with residents and a real opportunity to become an active member of the urology team.

Course Objectives:

1.  To understand the natural history, diagnosis and treatment of common urologic disorders, including both malignant and  benign conditions.

2.  To augment current understanding of abdominal, retroperitoneal, pelvic, scrotal and penile anatomy by participation in urologic operative procedures.

3.  To appreciate and begin to acquire the fundamental surgical skillset that urology offers, including learning laparoscopic, endoscopic and open incisional techniques.

Grading: Pass/Fail/Honors

Application Process

For information on how to apply see https://vslo.aamc.org/vslo

Enrollment through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities® (VSLO®) is not opened until February/March/April of each year. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing your application:

Prerequisite: Surgery 110

Kindly prepare the following things as well:

•             Curriculum Vitae

•             Transcript of Records

•             (1) Letter of Recommendation

•             Immunization Record

•             USMLE Step 1 score

•             Picture

Scholarship Opportunities  

Collins Scholarship Program for Visiting Students


The Collins Scholarship Program for Visiting Students was established to encourage fourth year medical students (MD and DO candidates) from diverse backgrounds to apply for a four-week clinical elective (sub-internship) rotation within the UCSF Department of Urology.

Students will participate in didactics sessions and clinical rotations (clinic, procedure and operating room) in all of the subspecialty areas of urology. This program will include 1 on 1 meetings with current UCSF Urology faculty that center on: career planning, research development, interview skills, and CV development. It is our goal to help prepare applicants for acceptance into an accredited urology residency program of their choice. We believe this to be a unique and important aspect of our program, in addition to the financial support the scholarship provides.

Program Objectives

  1. Ongoing education in the field of urology.
  2. A better opportunity to learn more about our residency program.
  3. Establish mentorship and research opportunities to help further a career in urology.

Award Information

Selected students will receive a stipend* amounting up to $3,000.00 to cover cost of living and travel expenses for the duration of the sub-internship rotation. *This stipend is counted as taxable income*

Application Process

  1. Apply to the UCSF Urology Sub-internship course through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities® (VSLO®).
  2. Include a Personal Statement: We want to learn about you! Please briefly describe your path to medicine, interest in urology, and short-term career plans. (Maximum of 500 words)

Contact Information
Karen Tabayoyong
Academic Program Coordinator

Mentorship Opportunity

UReTER Mentorship Program

The UReTER Mentorship Program was created by UCSF Urology residents to specifically promote excellence, grit, and determination in applicants from a wide range of backgrounds.