Recognized as highly accomplished and a dedicated educator, along with his wife, Dr. Kristine Breyer, Anesthesiologist, both are now members of the UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators (AME). The AME is an organization driven by community, diversity, advocacy, service and innovation to support the people who carry out and advance the educational mission of UCSF. This community of educators work together to promote excellence in teaching in the UCSF School of Medicine.
Developed in 2000 by Haile Debas, MD and David Irby, PhD to create more resources and support to faculty teachers. The UCSF Academy of Medical Educators has created a culture of education innovation and has put education into the forefront. Overtime this organization has become a model that other medical schools follow to build a strong culture of teaching within their academic institutions.
Dr. Breyer joined the faculty in the UCSF Dept. of Urology in 2011 and was named Chief of Urology at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital in 2014. Outside of his clinical practice, within his role as an educator, he has led the UCSF Urology Residency Program since 2020. Throughout his career he has mentored medical students, residents and fellows along their journey in healthcare and research. His commitment, dedication and leadership to teaching the next generation of urologists has helped to shape the direction of educational practices within the department.
As an AME member, Dr. Breyer will contribute to strengthening teaching in departments, assist in courses and clerkships. Overall, he will work with fellow members to expand the programs reach in the community, work to deconstruct institutional structures that disadvantage certain populations and create an environment that ensure success for all learners. “ The Breyers are perfect examples of what makes UCSF so great. Although this honor recognizes their significant roles in education, they are also powerful contributors to our research and clinical care missions” says Peter Carroll, Acting Chair of Urology at UCSF.
“I’m thrilled and honored to be a part of this distinguished academy.” Dr. Breyer said. “I look forward to learning, engaging and working with AME members to improve surgical education in our Department, on campus and nationally. It was special for our family that both Kristine and I were elected the same year.”
Learn more about The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Academy as they celebrate 20 years by clicking here.
Learn more about AME by clicking here.