
Diagnostic Testing
UCSF's surgical team personally performs any necessary radiological and urodynamic procedures for the evaluation of patients with bladder dysfunction, urinary tract infections, hydronephrosis and incontinence. Urodynamic studies are performed simultaneously with any radiographic studies, obviating the need for a second catheterization in young patients. In addition, UCSF's renowned ultrasonography section frequently is able to diagnose abnormalities that are missed or misinterpreted at other institutions.
Surgical Innovations
UCSF pediatric urologists have pioneered several laparoscopic procedures that allow formerly complex open surgeries to be performed on an outpatient basis. These include laparoscopic orchiopexy, which allows for preservation of undescended intraabdominal testes without extensive abdominal surgery, and endopyelotomy to unblock obstructed kidneys.
The UCSF team successfully employs other innovative techniques for the repair of complex medical problems, such as bladder exstrophy and neurogenic bladder dysfunction, often associated with myelodysplasia. Use of bladder augmentation, artificial sphincters and continent stomas often restores continence and preserves renal function in children who would otherwise require kidney dialysis or transplantation.
Using the most advanced techniques, the surgical team can correct even severe penile deformities on an outpatient basis, reducing costs and stress on families and young patients. In addition to performing primary operations, the team specializes in treating patients on referral for repair of failed prior surgeries. UCSF is one of a few institutions using buccal mucosa graft for urethral reconstruction, a technique that provides excellent results in patients who do not have sufficient local penile skin for a vascularized penile skin flap.
Whenever surgery is required, the pediatric anesthesia team based in UCSF's Ambulatory Care Surgery Center (outpatient) and Children's Surgery Center (inpatient), uses a patient centered approach that reduces stress on the patient and family and minimizes post-operative physical discomfort.
Coordination of Care with the Referring Physician
The UCSF Pediatric Urology team works closely with referring physicians and provides telephone and e-mail consultations as needed. Someone can be paged 24-hours a day for urgent and emergency service.
Listing of Available Specialty Services
Antenatal hydronephrosis (Fetal Hydronephrosis) |
Genital Anomalies |
Adolescent varicoceles |
Epispadias and exstrophy |
Hydrocele and hernia (male and female) |
Hypospadias |
Intersex and genitalia reconstruction (vaginoplasty) |
Undescended testes |
Hematuria |
Minimally-invasive surgery (laparoscopy and endoscopy) |
Myelomeningocele urinary tract management (incontinence) |
Neurogenic bladder |
Treatment of genitourinary malignancies |
Rhabdomyosarcomas |
Wilms tumors |
Urinary incontinence and enuresis |
Urinary stone disease |
Urinary tract infections |
Urinary tract obstruction |
Megaureters |
Posterior urethral valves |
Prune Belly Syndrome |
Ureteroceles |
Uretero-pelvic junction obstruction |
Urinary tract strictures |
Urinary tract reconstruction |
Artificial urinary sphincter and urinary continence surgery |
Gastric, ileal, colonic and ureteral bladder augmentation |
Pre-renal transplantation reconstruction |
Urinary undiversion and diversion |
Vesico-ureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy |