“In 2020, my co-residents and I started a mentorship program in support of #BlackLivesMatter with the goal of expanding the urology pipeline. The UReTER (UnderRepresented Trainees Entering Residency) Urology Mentorship Program pairs current residents and fellows with medical students who identify as Black, Latinx, Indigenous, or Native American/Hawaiian and are interested in urology. I'm so proud of how we've expanded this program nationally, and of all our mentees across the country that are thriving in spite of all the challenges that they face. I received tons of mentorship and support to get to where I am today, so I really enjoy paying it forward and sharing that knowledge and advice with other future urologists.”
““You'll never know until you ask!" - very wise advice given to me by Dr. Kirsten Green when I was a 3rd year medical student. Society expects women to be overly polite, mild mannered, and soft spoken, at the cost of our own goals and careers. We all must contribute to changing this expectation by starting with ourselves. Seek out that leadership role, find strong mentorship from women role models, and ask for what you want - even if it's outside the parameters of the "norm" or "tradition." You'll never know until you ask!”
 Micha Y-Z Cheng, MD, MPH, MS
