UCSF Urology proudly presents
UC Urology
Focal Therapy Conference
with Urology Experts from UC Davis, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF
Leading focal therapy experts discuss existing paradigms and controversies in focal therapies.
Event moderated by Dr. Juan Javier-DesLoges and Dr. E. David Crawford from UC San Diego.
From left to right, panelists include Marc A. Dall’Era, MD (UCDavis), Michael Daneshvar, MD, MS (UCI), Wayne G. Brisbane, MD (UCLA), Juan Javier-DesLoges, MD, MS (UCSD), E. David Crawford, MD (UCSD), Hao G. Nguyen MD, PhD (UCSF) and Jenna
- Rationale for focal therapy (pro) and existing technologies (pros/cons of each) presented by Dr. Crawford (UCSD)
- Rationale against focal therapy (con) presented by Dr. Winebaum (MUSC/UCSF)
- Clinical scenarios/patient selection/cancer characteristics (primary treatment)/ Extended spectrum (low risk/high risk) presented by Dr. Dall'Era (UC Davis)
- Proper evaluation (imaging, biopsies (halo biopsies), ancillary tests) presented by Dr. Brisbane (UCLA)
- Measuring endpoints/Follow up presented by Dr. Nguyen (UCSF)
- Salvage focal presented by Dr. Daneshvar (UCI)
- Discussion/next steps panel presented by Dr. Javier-DesLoges (UCSD)
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