Felix Y. Feng MD
Felix Y. Feng MD
Felix Feng, MD, received his undergraduate training from Stanford University, where he earned a degree in Biological Sciences and received a President’s Award for Academic Excellence. He then received his MD from Washington University in St. Louis, where he received numerous awards for his research and academic achievements. He then completed both a postdoctoral research fellowship and his residency in radiation oncology at the University of Michigan, and subsequently joined the faculty there. In addition to being the Director of the Division of Translational Genomics, Dr. Feng also co-led the multidisciplinary clinic for prostate cancer patients and served as Director of the Genitourinary Cancer Program within the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Michigan. In 2016, Dr. Feng was recruited to join the faculty at UCSF, where he currently is an Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Urology, and Medicine, and serves as Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Director of Translational Research for the Department of Radiation Oncology.
Clinical Interests
Dr. Feng’s clinical interests include the diagnosis and management of genitourinary malignancies. He specializes in the treatment of high-risk aggressive prostate cancers as well as oligometastatic disease. For upfront or post-surgical treatment for patients, his therapeutic approaches include intensity-modulated radiation therapy as well as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, among many others. Dr. Feng is nationally known for his approaches of using molecular biomarkers to help guide or personalize radiation therapy for patients. He serves as the leader of the Genitouirnary Cancer Translational Research Program for the NRG Clinical Trials Group, and is a member of the National Cancer Institute Steering Committee for Genitourinary Cancers. He has helped conduct numerous clinical trials, and is the co-principal investigator of one of the first biomarker-driven clinical trials for patients with metastatic prostate cancer.
Research Interests
Dr. Feng is a physician-scientist focused on clinical and translational research aimed at improving outcomes for patients with prostate cancer. His laboratory focuses on identifying and validating biomarkers associated with treatment resistance in prostate cancer patients, and overcoming radiation or hormone therapy resistance with targeted therapy. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed scientific articles, and his major contributions to the medical field include: 1) the development of novel molecular subtyping approaches to distinguish biological subgroups of prostate cancer that differ in treatment response, 2) identification of new drivers of aggressive prostate cancer; 3) the development of novel therapeutic approaches to treat prostate cancer. He has published manuscripts in leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, European Urology, Nature, and Nature Genetics. He has received numerous awards for his research and is the principal investigator on multiple grants, from various federal and foundation sources.
Patient Contact
415.502.7222 (Phone)
415.476.7370 (Fax)
1825 4th Street, Baker Precision Cancer Medicine Building
1st floor M267 and 6th floor
San Francisco, CA 94158
Practice Manager
415.514.3592 (Phone)
415.353.9883 (Fax)
New Patient Coordinator
415.353.9807 (Phone)
415.353.9884 (Fax)
Academic Contact
415.885.7627 (Phone)
415.353.9883 (Fax)
University of California, San Francisco
Box 3110, room 450
1450 3rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94158