News & Highlights

in Patient Care

Some men have been concerned about a recent study from a team at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that suggested that taking fish oil supplements or eating too much fatty fish might increase the risk for being diagnosed with pros

Our TEAM UCSF is growing and, so can you! is a clever non-profit, founded by patient Art Wagner,

Staff members from both the School of Medicine and Medical Center donned bright orange tutus during Project Open Hand’s fundraising event: The Giant Race held at AT&T park on August 4, 2013.

Paul F. Alpert, MD, Kaiser Permanente, San Rafael urologist and colleague of UCSF Urology, will end his 39-year career in clinical urology but will remain as medical legal chief beginning August 5th.   This move will allow him to begin research with Dr.

UCSF urologists are actively enrolling interested candidates undergoing robot assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) to a new study that utilizes a patient’s own tissue to create a hammock-like support for the urethra called a “sling.” Investigators are testing this technique, firs

John E. Nidecker III will lead a new monthly Prostate Cancer Support Group for the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Matthew Cooperberg, MD, MPH, associate professor in the departments of urology and epidemiology & biostatistics, will hold the newly created Helen Diller Family Chair in Urology.

Kirsten L. Greene, MD, MS, named vice chair of education for the department of urology...


Media Contact

Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]