News & Highlights
from March 2016
- Patient Care
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- Cancer
UCSF Urology reaches important milestone: the 4,000th prostate cancer patient consented to donate tissue specimens for research...
- Patient Care
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- Urologic Subspecialties
In February 2016 San Francisco General Hospital's executive team presented Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS, with the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Values in Action Award.
- Research
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- Cancer
Active surveillance is increasingly used as a management approach for men with low-risk prostate cancer, but until now, there has been little investigation regarding outcomes in younger patients who are often advised to receive treatment.
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Media Contact
Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]
UCSF Urology recently welcomed a talented new faculty member,