News & Highlights

in Research

Lauren Whaley, a contributor to Public Radio Exchange (PRX), uses humor and research to detail her personal plight with stress incontinence.

Welcome New Staff and Visitors

We have many new faces to welcome to the Department of Urology so far in 2016.  Below is a partial list of new faces that have joined our growing research groups and/or are here for observation experience.

For a second consecutive year, rankings of (NIH) biomedical research funding put UCSF in first place for urology...

UCSF Urology recently welcomed a talented new faculty member, Hani Goodarzi, PhDHani

UCSF Urology reaches important milestone: the 4,000th prostate cancer patient consented to donate tissue specimens for research...

Active surveillance is increasingly used as a management approach for men with low-risk prostate cancer, but until now, there has been little investigation regarding outcomes in younger patients who are often advised to receive treatment.

Can meditating with guided imagery before major urologic cancer surgery reduce stress and improve outcome?

The UCSF Urology community welcomed David B. Joseph, MD, Chief of Pediatric Urology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, as the 2016 Pediatric Urology Visiting Professor...


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Media Contact

Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]