News & Highlights

in Research

UCSF is in the forefront of a movement that seeks to change how cancer and many other diseases are treated in the years to come.....

University of Pennsylvania scientists collaborated with UCSF Urology's associate professor, Davide Ruggero, PhD on a paper recently published in the distinguished Journal of Clinical Investigation on the role of UPR in tumor cells...

The most comprehensive retrospective study ever conducted comparing major types of prostate cancer treatments was reported by a team of researchers at UCSF Urology.

Hypospadias is one of the most frequent genital malformations in the male newborn, and results from abnormal penile and urethral development.

Jason Bardi reports on UCSF Urology's Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS and his study on genital injuries...

The UCSF Urology Department has captured all three awards in the Western Section American Urologic Association 2012 ........

UCSF urologist Long-Chen Li, MD, and his team have published findings from a study in mice showing that delivering small activating RNA molecules (saRNAs) directly into the bladder can activate tumor suppressor genes and inhibit tumor growth...

Pooling information gathered in large, observational studies helps scientists tease out the secrets of prostate cancer.


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Media Contact

Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]