News & Highlights

Professor Maxwell V. Meng, MD, has been named chief of urologic oncology for the department of urology overseeing UCSF’s highly regarded...

 UCSF Urology is one of nine clinical sites across the US and Canada that have collaborated with the Canary Foundation to recruit Active Surveillance patients for the Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS).  The initial goal of 200 locally recruited cancer patients was reached in November 2013

The annual prostate cancer research retreat provided a lively sampling of the work of many UCSF investigators...

Davide Ruggero, PhD, associate professor of urology was featured in an article by UCSF.EDU writer Jeffery Norris…

The developmental research program, headed by UCSF Prostate Cancer Program is pleased to announce the 2014 Request for Applications, due November 1, 2013.

Diet, Meditation, Exercise Can Improve Key Element of Immune Cell Aging, UCSF Scientists Report...

Some men have been concerned about a recent study from a team at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that suggested that taking fish oil supplements or eating too much fatty fish might increase the risk for being diagnosed with pros

Like many men who undergo prostate cancer surgery, Jim Girand was eager to resume the sports he had enjoyed


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Media Contact

Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]