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UCSF Urology, once again, among the nation’s best according to U.S. News & World Report
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As Urology Chair, Peter R. Carroll, MD, MPH, prepares for more years to come at UCSF, his 30-year anniversary was celebrated...
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North Bay writer Mark G. Epstein recently published a story in the St. Helena Star about potential confusion when a patient deciphers the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines for prostate cancer screening.
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The AAGUS Barringer Medal, awarded to very few, was presented to Dr. Stoller at the April 2017 annual meeting for his distinguished accomplishments ...
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UCSF Urology doctors travel to Senegal with IVUMed, a non-profit organization that brings US urologists to low-resource areas around the world...
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New clinic aims to provide uninterrupted, comprehensive urologic healthcare for pediatric urology patients who will require further urologic care as adults...
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For the third consecutive year, UCSF Urology is number one in NIH funding for urology programs...
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Media Contact
Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]
Hao Nguyen, MD, PhD, an assistant professor in UCSF’s Urologic Oncology Department, has won a prestigious “Rising Stars in Urology Research Award" from the Urology Care Foundation...