News & Highlights
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UCSF Urology reaches important milestone: the 4,000th prostate cancer patient consented to donate tissue specimens for research...
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In February 2016 San Francisco General Hospital's executive team presented Benjamin Breyer, MD, MAS, with the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center Values in Action Award.
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Can meditating with guided imagery before major urologic cancer surgery reduce stress and improve outcome?
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UCSF urologists Maurice Garcia and Peter Carroll's recently developed app (Kegel Nation), which helps monitor Kegel exercise regimens, is now available in iTunes...
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Stacey A. Kenfield, ScD, Assistant Professor, Urology, UCSF published an important article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute late last year showing how vigorous exercise and other healthy habits may protect men from developing lethal prostate cancer.
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- Cancer
UCSF Urology has begun using a new imaging system that exploits the fluorescent properties of naturally occurring molecules in malignant tissues.
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Media Contact
Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]
Lauren Whaley, a contributor to Public Radio Exchange (PRX), uses humor and research to detail her personal plight with stress incontinence.