News & Highlights

in Research

This past June the Dept. Urology celebrated the Emil A. Tanagho Visiting Professor and the graduating residents.

Here are some highlights from the event.

The Department of Urology recently celebrated Drs. Overland, Lindsey and Yang take the next step in their Urologic careers as well-respected 2022 graduates of the UCSF Urology Residency program.  Each has made their mark in advancing urologic care and have been – and will continue to be –  a beloved part of the UCSF Urology team. 

The UCSF Department of Urology condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the decision by the Supreme Court to allow states to restrict access to safe medical abortion services. Ours is a specialty very much concerned with women’s and reproductive health, and we see governmental intrusions into the physician-patient relationship as our – and everyone’s – issue. 

NorCal Zoom Meeting Screen ShotThe 46th Northern California Research Seminar was held virtually on Saturday, May 7, 2022.

Dr. Alan Shindel, professor of clinical urology at UCSF, was announced as the Incoming Chair for the American Urological Association (AUA) Core Curriculum Committee.  Dr. Shindel will assume these duties June 1, 2022. He will become Chair of the Committee as of June 1, 2023. 

The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators announced Dr.

Zoom image of UC wide great case conference.The inaugural, first ever “Pediatric Urology  UC wide great case conference

Dr. Vittorio Fasulo was honored by European Urology Oncology.


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Media Contact

Elizabeth Fernandez
UCSF Department of Urology
San Francisco, CA 94143
[email protected]